

Despard Gallery, Hobart - 16th May – 11th June 2008

Linden Gallery, Melbourne – 14th August - 14th  September 2008

The series of images entitled Branded consider the role architecture can play in the packaging and delivery of goods. Featuring the shop fronts of international fashion houses in Tokyo’s Harajuku retail district the images present the couture fashion message embodied in architectural form, with each establishment bearing the single potent element of its marketing and product success; the brand name.

These buildings are a testimony to the guarantee we look for in a label and the ability of packaging to transmit the marketing message and begin the cycle of consumption. The minimal austerity of these spaces, occupying the public space of the street as they do, are an associative reminder to even the disciplined consumer of the quality found in a name.

© Simon Cuthbert 2023